Last Week Of The Edinburgh Festival

Last Week Of The Edinburgh Festival

Well it’s been a busy two weeks of exhibiting at the Edinburgh Festival and today is my last week. It’s been a lot of hard work but also been extremely enjoyable meeting all my old crafty friends and meeting new ones. And of course it’s been great...
Edinburgh Festival

Edinburgh Festival

Well I can’t believe we’re in July already! Where has the time went? I had planned to write blog posts a few months before the Edinburgh Festival to tell you the process involved with preparing for such a long show. But time has disappeared and I’ve...
Rikki O’Neill, Unsung Heroes And The Teapot Trust

Rikki O’Neill, Unsung Heroes And The Teapot Trust

There are so many creative things going on in Dundee but you have to be part of the art community to know about them. This weekend has been very busy with lots of inspiring exhibitions on in the city. On Friday night I visited the Rikki O’neill exhibition at...
Genna Design Videos

Genna Design Videos

With the growth of social media, online shopping and technology, there’s a shift in how we interact with our customers. I didn’t want to be left behind so I wanted to create videos to increase the awareness of my brand and to show people the process of...