Every Girl’s Dream in One Classic Stone

Every Girl’s Dream in One Classic Stone

Etiam vitae leo et diam pellentesque porta. Sed eleifend ultricies risus, vel rutrum erat commodo ut. Praesent finibus congue euismod. Nullam scelerisque massa vel augue placerat, a tempor sem egestas. Curabitur placerat finibus lacus. Quisque at vehicula magna, quis...
Eternity that Was Enclosed in Beauty

Eternity that Was Enclosed in Beauty

Etiam vitae leo et diam pellentesque porta. Sed eleifend ultricies risus, vel rutrum erat commodo ut. Praesent finibus congue euismod. Nullam scelerisque massa vel augue placerat, a tempor sem egestas. Curabitur placerat finibus lacus. Quisque at vehicula magna, quis...
New Year, New You And Top Drawer Research Trip

New Year, New You And Top Drawer Research Trip

I can’t believe that we’re into February already! I hope you had a great festive break. I certainly needed mine and it was amazing to take time off after a really busy Christmas period. Thank you so much to all my awesome customers who supported me...
Ring Making Class

Ring Making Class

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. A new year comes with challenges and expectations, trying new things and creating resolutions to change your life. Do you want to be happier or more confident? Do you want to try learning new skills or meet new...
The Story Of Love

The Story Of Love

What does jewellery mean to you? Why do people wear jewellery? These are questions that I constantly think about. Whenever I do a bespoke commission for a client I always ask them who is the piece for? What do they look like and what is their style of jewellery? Is...