Work To Live, Don’t Live To Work!

Work To Live, Don’t Live To Work!

I’ve not posted in a while as I’ve been in a strange place lately. Struggling with anxiety and work life balance. I’ve realised that I’ve not been happy in a long time as I have only been focusing on my business for the past 5 years. Things...
Looking For Things To Do In Dundee?

Looking For Things To Do In Dundee?

There’s so much going on in Dundee – Get a little culture! Are you looking for something different to do in Dundee this May? If so you’re in luck, if you are interested in art and the creative sector. The Degree Show opens this Friday at DJCAD Dundee...
The Story Of Love

The Story Of Love

What does jewellery mean to you? Why do people wear jewellery? These are questions that I constantly think about. Whenever I do a bespoke commission for a client I always ask them who is the piece for? What do they look like and what is their style of jewellery? Is...